Chicago Web Design Studio, specializes in ecommerce shopping cart programs, design and development systems, e
commerce solutions, e-commerce web hosting web site developer, business to business ecommerce with merchant accounts and domain name registration.
Creating Internet websites (thematic websites, Internet shops, portals and online business cards) constitutes the primary activity of "chicagowebdesignstudio.com".
Nowadays, it is indispensable to adopt new technologies (among others the Internet) for modern marketing and promotional activities. Such tools as a company’s website and related e-mail accounts (e-mails) have become as obvious, needed and necessary as letterhead paper, fax machine (at present superseded with electronic mail) or employees’ business cards.
Hosting is the service meant especially for all our regular customers and for everybody for whom we have prepared their websites. All websites made by “chicagowebdesignstudio.com” may be put on our servers at exceptionally attractive prices, or alternatively at a regular price but with special extra (promotional) services.
Please consult our representatives for details
What are "search engines" and what does the positioning service consists in?
Nearly all Internet users who seek some information use “search engines”. These are specially developed services which gather and catalogue all the data on a given subject which appear on the Internet. The users type the word (or phrase) they are interested in and the search engines show the results in the form of a list of websites which contain the required information.
Everybody who has ever used a “search engine” knows that the search result in the form of a feed back list contains thousands of items. As it usually happens, a user will click only on the first several links, or at most a dozen links if the required information is not found in the
Below, You can find some of our products and services of this group, such as:
- designing of trademarks,
- designing of graphic signs,
- catalogues,
- scanning, copying and archiving of documents
- preparing leaflets and promotional brochures,
- designing of letterhead paper (business cards, invoices, orders, envelopes, manuals, regulations, labels, information flyers, company websites, etc.),
- and many, many other solutions adjusted to individual requirements of our customers.